The House with a Clock in its Walls is a new comedy-fantasy directed by Eli Roth [Hostel] and is produced by Steven Spielberg’s production company Amblin. It is based on the fictional novel by John Bellairs and features a young orphan named Lewis Barnavelt, Owen Vaccaro [Daddy’s Home], who aids his magical uncle Jonathan [Jack Black –…
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Film Review
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is the prequel to the globally popular Harry Potter franchise and starts a new chapter of magical adventures. The story is set in 1926 and Newt Scamander has just completed a global excursion to find and document an array of magical creatures. arriving in New York and coming…
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Review
It has inspired a generation of readers and has become the most successful movie phenomenon in movie history. But does Potter end with a bang? The last instalment of the much loved Harry Potter films is finally here and is an absolute cinematic feast for the ears and eyes as it follows our heroes on…
Harry Potter Delayed
Well, so far in the series the movies have come out in the fall. And it was planned to continue this way until Warner Bros. pulled for the fall opening. Rumor has it that WB is waiting until summer because more children will be able to come see it rather than right before the holidays….
The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising
Well, here we go with another fantasy movie for kids. This movie had so much potential and yet it seems that all of these type movies are being made for kids these days. They are all PG and contain none of what the older fantasy fans want in the way of content. I say start…
This just in: Alien Elvis lands at Harry Potter Premier
An exclusive story just broke out in London, Alien Elvis landed at the Harry Potter Premier. This is said to be the third Alien Elvis siting in the past two weeks. The first one was at a post office in Los Angeles and the second one was reported somewhere in Greenland. Alien Elvis is of…
Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix
Well, I never really got into this series before. I don’t know if I thought it was targeted towards kids or what but I just didn’t pay attention to it before. This time around I really watched the entire movie and I liked it. I’m not going to say it is the best movie of…