The House with a Clock in its Walls is a new comedy-fantasy directed by Eli Roth [Hostel] and is produced by Steven Spielberg’s production company Amblin. It is based on the fictional novel by John Bellairs and features a young orphan named Lewis Barnavelt, Owen Vaccaro [Daddy’s Home], who aids his magical uncle Jonathan [Jack Black –…
Franklyn – DVD Re-View
Franklyn is a unique and compelling tale that tries to break through pre-established genre boundries. It takes risks. With a fresh look and a thought provoking story, Franklyn is a film that transcends boundries and demands that you think outside the box. A truly unique experience for sure. But this film is not for everyone.
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Leaving work I decided to check out a movie. What should I go see? Well, the Movieguys haven’t said anything about the new Underworld movie yet and it is something I definitely wanted to see. So I decided to check it out and I am so glad that I had the chance to. For those…
The Fall – DVD Re-View
The Fall, premiered in 2006 but wasn’t released until May 2008, only recently I was able to catch this on dvd. The film was shot in over 18 different countries, and took over 4 years to make… I figured it deserved a re-view.