The House with a Clock in its Walls is a new comedy-fantasy directed by Eli Roth [Hostel] and is produced by Steven Spielberg’s production company Amblin. It is based on the fictional novel by John Bellairs and features a young orphan named Lewis Barnavelt, Owen Vaccaro [Daddy’s Home], who aids his magical uncle Jonathan [Jack Black –…
Un-Hung Hero Review
Un-Hung Hero, the world’s first cock-umentary. When I first saw this title, I was immediately sold. Not that I enjoy watching films about penis’ or anything, just the marketing behind it really caught my attention. It was clever, and the subject was something that I thought could make a very entertaining film. So first up,…
Midgets Vs Mascots Review (And Gary Coleman Controversy)
If you are looking for an excellent film, with a strong plot, and great acting, then you had better think twice about watching Midgets vs Mascots. However, if you are looking for a raunchy, slap-stick, low-budget, crude comedy, that you and your guys can enjoy, then look no further! Midgets vs Mascots is just one…
Immigrants (L.A. Dolce Vita) Review
The other night I was browsing the DVD selection at my usual video store when I noticed Immigrants (L.A. Dolce Vita). At first I just looked over the film, as it looked like a children’s flick at first glance. Upon closer inspection though, I caught a line front and center, right above the title that…
Year One – Review
Year One is one of the very few films that I actually recognized the name of the director, Harold Ramis. In my mind Ramis is the Michael Bay of the comedy world. Ramis has worked on many classic films such as Animal House, Caddyshack, Groundhog Day, Vacation, and of course Ghostbusters.
The Hangover – Review
The Hangover is a rude, crude, disgusting and brilliant new comedy starring Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifanakis. Written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, this well crafted comedy will leave you in tears from beginning to end.
Land of the Lost – Review
Land of the Lost was a typical, random, Will Ferrell film. It had it’s ups and downs but for the most part was very entertaining, even for a remake of a classic TV series.
The Foot Fist Way – DVD Re-View
The Foot Fist Way is a hilarious comedy about a trailer-trash dimwit Karate instructor with a failing marriage and a creepy obsession with his hero, karate film legend Chuck “The Truck” Wallace. This is not your typical comedy, Check out this review before you head out to rent or buy it!
Observe and Report – review
The film starts out extremely slow and boring. It seemed like nothing of any significance, or real humor happened in the first half our of the film. I guess this was just to set the tone, or some other entertainment gimmick. After the film got going however, things were very, very funny.
Heckler – DVD Re-View
“Everyone’s a critic.” In an age where all you need to be a critic is internet access, that statement has never been more true than it is now. Jamie Kennedy’s Heckler attempts to give insight into how hecklers and critics affect the people they are criticizing.
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