The Amazing Spider-Man is a reboot directed by Marc Webb and stars Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker who finds a clue to help him find the disappearance of his parents when he was young. His search puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Conners [Rhys Ifans- “Notting Hill”, “Little Nicky” “The Boat That…
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Review
It has inspired a generation of readers and has become the most successful movie phenomenon in movie history. But does Potter end with a bang? The last instalment of the much loved Harry Potter films is finally here and is an absolute cinematic feast for the ears and eyes as it follows our heroes on…
Edge of Darkness Review
Edge of Darkness, Mel Gibson’s first starring role in eight years, has so much going for it on paper. First there is Mel himself, who has starred in and directed some of the most iconic films of this generation. The director Martin Campbell has on his resume the very decent Casino Royale, which reinvigorated the…
Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch
Director Zack Snyder, who can now officially be called a geek god and my own personal hero, is already planning his next move. According to an article in EW magazine, now that the intensely beautiful Watchmen is out there for comic geeks to love and obsess over, Snyder is prepping for his next project titled…
DVD Re-View – Comic Book: The Movie (2003)
(What is a MOVIEGUYS dvd re-view?) ” A MOVIEGUYS DVD RE-VIEW (Re-View as: to watch again), is a chance to look back at movies now on DVD that didn’t get a chance because of poor distribution, independent production, the dreaded NC-17 rating…. or we just forgot….” COMIC BOOK: THE MOVIE 2003 A MOVIEGUYS DVD RE-VIEW,…