Image Source: Rob-Sheridan.com
Ever wonder how Guy felt about breakfast cereal mascots? Listen to this week’s episode of the Intermission Podcast to find out!
Also this week, the guys discuss Kingsman, the Space Invaders Movie, Hitman Agent 47, Train Wreck, Enron, and plenty other entertaining stuff. Warm up your headphones and settle in for another episode, of The Intermission Podcast!
Space Invaders Movie
While it may sound crazy, there is a ton of marketing options here. On the surface, it sounds pretty lame, but as long as it’s better than Battleship, we should be fine. We do have one question, though, will you just have to pay a quarter to watch it?

Drop down! Reverse direction!
Corey, Guy, and Craig all watched Kingsman before this week’s episode. Craig was less than pleased due to a number of plot holes in the film. Sure, it was meant to be more laid back, but there were parts that just seemed lame. At the end of the day, it is worth a watch, but don’t take Kingman too serious.
Hitman Agent 47 Trailer
Agent 47 is back in what appears to be a reboot of the 2007 film, Hitman. The new rendition is titled Hitman Agent 47 and looks freaking awesome! There is one major problem, though, it’s missing Timothy Olyphant. Timothy did such a great job in the last Hitman, that I have a hard time seeing anyone else in the role. I’m remaining open minded, and optimistic, though.
Train Wreck Trailer
Guy wanted to watch this trailer. They had me at Amy Schumer, lost me with Lebron James. Next!
Unfinished Business trailer
Vince Vaughn and little James Franco (Dave Franco) star in what looks to be a great comedy. I feel like we’ve talked about Unfinished Business a lot lately, but I can’t seem to find anything in our show notes. So, here is the red band Unfinished Business trailer. Enjoy!
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room – Documentary
It’s not every day you get to hear your MovieGuys talk finance and business, but hey, there’s a first time for everything right? The Smartest Guys in the room is an excellent documentary if you are looking for a nice thought-provoking flick. Plus it’s on Netflix, which makes it even more awesome.