Lazer Team Logo
To date, there are two crowd-funding campaigns that I have contributed to. Lazer Team and another that I won’t mention because it has turned into quite a mess. Anyways, Lazer Team trailer right? What you are about to watch is the official Lazer Team teaser trailer, but unlike most teasers it’s actually quite substantial. Being an early adopter, I was able to watch the teaser a while back, but the Rooster Teeth crew premiered the teaser to the public at a recent Let’s Play Live event in Austin.
While I have been a backer since early in the project, this teaser was my first real glimpse to what Lazer Team is all about. Yeah, that’s right; I ponied up my money with hardly any knowledge of what I was funding. The project was successful in gaining over $2million, so I wasn’t alone.
Now the $2million dollar question, am I satisfied with my investment? Absolutely! The trailer wasn’t really what I was expecting but I really enjoyed what I saw, and I hope the full feature is equally as awesome. The Rooster Teeth crew stayed true to their roots which is evident with the videogame feel. The weapons resemble Portal guns, and all of the action just seems very videogame-esque.

Lazer Team Portal Gun
But it’s not just the videogame style that has me sold, but the comedy that got me hooked on Rooster Teeth in the beginning. Like most Rooster Teeth fans, they really got my attention with Red vs Blue. The comedy that they brought was so unique to the time, and it really reminded me of the things that my friends would joke about. Lazer Team looks to be no exception. The dynamic between Gavin Free and the Rooster Teeth crew is what we’ve grown to love (and expect). The personalities that were visible in the trailer were all very fitting for the Rooster Teeth crew.
While speaking of the cast, there is another person in the Teaser that I didn’t expect. Alan Ritchson, you know that guy that played Thad Castle in Blue Mountain State! This was a nice surprise addition to me. I was expecting the film to primarily the same crew that we all know and love, maybe some extras here and there, but no one that I would recognize. Now I’m curious as to who else shows up in Lazer Team.

Thad Castle (Alan Ritchson) – Lazer Team
Now the waiting game begins. The full trailer is scheduled to release 2/16/2015, and I for one am very excited to see more. There is a countdown clock for the trailer release on the official Lazer Team the Movie webpage, so you should probably do what we did and make that your browser’s homepage.
Lazer Team is scheduled to release in theaters <sometime in 2015>, and will be released on DVD/BluRay on <also sometime in 2015>.
Learn more about the history of Rooster Teeth and Lazer Team here.