Welcome to the new and improved 105th edition of The Intermission Podcast! How is it new and improved you ask? Well, it’s a new episode, and we recently upgraded some of our sound equipment. So it is/should be improved! On that note, please bear with us for the next few episodes as we learn how…
Super Bowl Movie Trailer Commercials 2016
It’s that time of year again folks! That one day a year that I sit down and watch an entire football game start to finish. That’s right, I’m talking about the Super Bowl! For those of you that know me, you know that I pretty much avoid most sports (ice hockey being the exception). So…
Abrams talks Cloverfield 2 at WonderCon!
JJ Abrams was quite candid at the panel for Star Trek when he was asked about the possibility of doing another Cloverfield film. As many of you remember, Cloverfield was a surprising success as it only cost about 25 million but raked in far more than that despite being released in what would normally be considered…
MovieGuys staff, Top 10 films of 2008 – Part 2
WRITTEN BY, JON STEPHENS COMPILED BY 790 Jon Stephens , is one of MOVIEGUYS most prolific and gifted writers. Residing in Northern California , Jon’s a huge source of movie knowledge as well as a great source of comic and written material. Jon provides a grounded perspective that is always refreshing to read, I consider…
Cloverfield Trailer
I don’t know about everyone else but I am kind of excited about the Cloverfield movie. They did a really good job of building up anticipation with the secretive title and releasing the trailers. From what I have heard it should be an awesome movie but Mr. Stan-Lee is not that excited. Actually, he is…
In Your Ear Hole 9-6
After a little break the MovieGuys are back with quite possibly the best In Your Ear-Hole to date. This week we have covered some hot topics such as, Harald and Kumar 2, the movie codenamed “Cloverfield”, and a bunch of other stuff I can’t even begin to remember. So sit back and give your eyes…