Today I was completely surprised when I was browsing social media and saw a video for a new Netflix space flick. As I was watching the trailer, I started to realize that it was a Lost in Space remake! That’s right folks, Netflix has decided to remake the 1960s series Lost in Space. As far as I can…
Movie Trailers
Ah the movie trailer. Here at we love trailers, and hope you do to! For us the movie previews before the film are sometimes better than the movie itself.
Are we missing a trailer you would like to see? Contact us using our contact age and we will add it immediately!
Super Bowl Trailers 2017
Here we are again. There is a sports game on TV known as the Super Bowl. Football fans from all over are cosplaying as their favorite football character. Me personally, I could care less about football. Hell, I don’t even know how many innings there are. But there is one thing I do care about,…
Super Bowl Movie Trailer Commercials 2016
It’s that time of year again folks! That one day a year that I sit down and watch an entire football game start to finish. That’s right, I’m talking about the Super Bowl! For those of you that know me, you know that I pretty much avoid most sports (ice hockey being the exception). So…
Lazer Team Teaser Trailer
To date, there are two crowd-funding campaigns that I have contributed to. Lazer Team and another that I won’t mention because it has turned into quite a mess. Anyways, Lazer Team trailer right? What you are about to watch is the official Lazer Team teaser trailer, but unlike most teasers it’s actually quite substantial. Being…
2015 Super Bowl Movie Trailers
It’s Super Sunday and you know what that means! I’ll be watching football for the first time since last years superbowl. But not to see the game of course, I’ll be watching to see all of the awesome new movie trailers. Much like last year, I’ll be updating this post throughout the evening, so stay…
Tammy (Melissa McCarthy) – Teaser Trailer
Melissa McCarthy is back in yet another comedy, Tammy. Being a huge fan of Melissa McCarthy, I am really excited about Tammy. But like most people, I feel like it’s knock-off of her past work, Identity Thief. Tammy Synopsis Tammy, who was recently fired from a Toppy Jacks fast food restaurant, returns home only to…
Super Bowl Movie Trailer Round-Up
Things got a bit cluttered around here yesterday, so I thought we would clean things up a bit. Here is a list with links to all of the trailers we posted before and after the Super Bowl. Enjoy! Muppet Most Wanted Trailer Need for Speed – Extended Version The Amazing Spider-Man 2 – Part II…
Muppets Most Wanted Super Bowl Trailer
Last Super Bowl trailer for the night, Muppets Most Wanted. This was another one that I thoroughly enjoyed, but I am also a big fan of the muppets. There is just something about their humor, and the art behind controlling them that really grabs my attention. If you are a Twitterer, there are literally oodles…
Need for Speed Super Bowl Trailer – Extended Cut
Ok, so I was the minority at the Super Bowl party that I attended, but I am really looking forward to Need for Speed! I have always been a big fan of the video games, and I just think it would make a pretty spectacular film. Note: This is the extended version of the…
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 – Super Bowl Trailer Part II
Welcome back for part two of the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl spot Part 2! For those of you keeping track, Sony released part one a few days ago to tease the trailer that they were going to show during the Super Bowl. Yeah, we thought it was silly too, but hey, they did it….
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