American Hustle is the new film written and directed David O. Russell [The Fighter, Silver Lining’s Playbook] and stars Christian Bale as con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with his seductive British partner, Sydbey Prosser [Amy Adams], is forced to work for a FBI agent Richie DiMaso [Bradley Cooper] pushes them into a world of Jersey…
A-Team Update
It looks as though director Joe Carnahan (Smokin Aces, Narc) has found his Hannibal Smith for the upcoming 2010 release of the A-Team, based on the 1980’s TV series. Liam Neeson has now, but not officially, been confirmed to play the coveted role of the A-Team leader, Col. John “Hannibal” Smith. It was also rumored that…
The Hangover – Review
The Hangover is a rude, crude, disgusting and brilliant new comedy starring Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifanakis. Written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, this well crafted comedy will leave you in tears from beginning to end.
The Hangover – Trailer
I got my first look at The Hangover the other night watching Observe and Report and I must say that the trailer for The Hangover, was almost the high point of my evening. It looks absolutely hillarious, and the choice in cast is amazing.