As I was browsing new movie trailers today, I found the trailer for Prince Avalanche. And to be honest, the only reason it caught my attention was because the poster featured a traffic cone wearing a pair of sunglasses. After reading the synopsis, and realized it’s about 2 guys dicking around at work I knew…
Simpsons Movie 2 Trailer (Fan-Made)
As I was pursuing my favorite TV channel today (YouTube), I came across this fan made trailer for The Simpsons Movie 2. There has yet to be any official word on a Simpsons Movie sequel other than it’s happening, but that hasn’t slowed the fans down. I am a big fan of fan-made posters, but…
Ted Red Band Trailer (Seth MacFarlane’s New Movie)
Last Sunday I was watching Animation Domination on Fox (my normal routine). Generally, I DVR the event and skip through the commercials. But this Sunday was different. For some divine reason, I was watching live and was able to catch the trailer for Seth MacFarlane’s new movie, Ted. As directed by the trailer I saw…
Sacha Baron Cohen is… The Dictator
Since I first watched Borat I fell in love with Sacha Baron Cohen and his style of humor. I have always thought that I would enjoy a Borat 2, but I am not really sure that such a film would work, Borat just seems to be more suited as a “one hit wonder.” While I…
Youth in Revolt – Red Band Trailer
Based on C.D. Payne’s hit novel of the same name, Youth in Revolt is the story of Nick Twisp (Michael Cera) changing his life to win the love of Sheeni Saunders (Portia Doubleday). Cera is well known for his rolls in Superbad, Juno, and Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist. His co-star love-interest Doubleday is new…
Hit-Girl Red band Trailer – Kick Ass
Every time I see a new Kick-Ass Trailer, the more I think the film is going to kick ass! This new trailer featuring Hit-Girl, played by Chloe Moretz, is absolutely hilarious. I must admit that Moretz really, surprised me in this trailer. She has shown a lot more character, attitude, and spunk than I was expecting from…
Kick Ass Red Band Trailer
So, I just stumbled across this film today, and am very surprised at how much negative feedback it has gotten already. Personally, I thought the trailer for Kick-Ass looks like a real gut buster. First off, the film sports a great cast. We have Clark Duke (Sex Drive), who is absolutely hilarious. Then we have Christopher…
The Men Who Stare at Goats – Trailer
It is about time that we see a film about “real life” Jedi’s. I for one am very excited about this film, but personally find it very hard to believe that it is based on a true story. The film is based on a book titled “The Men Who Stare at Goats” which was written…
Extract – Trailer
I am very excited to be bringing everyone this look at the new Mike Judge film, Extract. It is my personal opinion that anything Mike Judge has created is worth watching. What’s that? You don’t know who Mike Judge is??? If you don’t know Judge then you must have been hiding under a pretty big…
Couples Retreat – Trailer
I normally hate romantic comedies, but I must say that Vince Vaughn really knows how to keep me entertained. He was able to keep me interested all through The Break Up and after seeing the trailer I am fairly certain that Couple Retreat will be even better. Just look at the cast, Jon Favreau, Vince…