So Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is officially in theaters! To celebrate this, the Movie Guys watched it! And are going to talk about it! On this Spoilercast! So if you haven’t seen Rogue One yet, GO WATCH IT (and check out our spoiler-free Rogue One review)! If you have, enjoy…
*Rogue One Spoilers Ahead*
This bonus episode we start off with some spoilers. Like all of them. The Movie guys, including Josh as Princess Leia, went to the Silver Screens 7 to watch it. Everyone gets there early except Corey. Corey also denies the Intern’s gift of a free ticket to see Rogue One and apparently screwed Guy over with a pizza a few years ago….
Corey’s Rogue One Opinion (Like it matters)
So Corey reviews first, he liked it, and he disliked it. Wouldn’t really elaborate. That’s Corey for you: a stupid dick. The trailers disappointed him somehow? He’s not really a clear speaker of words. He did say he would like more Vader and Josh points out the “clever” one-liner after choking a dude that didn’t really fit. Also, Vader’s voice sounded like an old man, almost as if an old man was voicing him.
So Josh also liked it. He was able to expound on his liking and disliking of it. To start, the CG was awesome, and to end, the final Vader scene was spectacular. And Josh points out that there were no Kenobi’s in it, so that’s why it wasn’t a chapter. This pissed Guy the hell off.
Craig’s Rogue One Complaints
Craig also liked it, more than The Force Awakens in fact. He didn’t like that it did start off slow mostly because of the back-story required at the start. A back-story that could have been setup with an OPENING CRAWL! Never before has Star Wars had a 15 minute soft open that happened a number of years before the story took place. It slowed down the opening. Nobody agrees with him except the Intern, whose opinion suddenly matters now that he agrees with the host…. This leads to a fight.
During the tussle, the Star Wars references were brought up. The forced irrelevant Star Wars references. C3PO and R2, the guys from the Cantina. If this movie was making such a point about being separate from the chapter movies why did they keep throwing them up in your face. We all did agree that the idiots sitting behind us were annoying at pointing out all of the obvious references.
And Craig’s final complaint, the force crystal that never really came full circle. This made him mad which in turn made Guy mad which caused another fight. Typical. Finally, what damn order do you these movies be viewed in now? You know, if you were showing it to a kid for the first time. Send in your opinion, the only thing we figured out is that Guy’s way is stupid.
But all fighting and complaining aside, it was a really good movie and a great addition to the franchise. Let’s watch this along with New Hope over and over and over to really get a feel for it. In any event, it’s Star Wars so we are happy, and Craig is getting his ass kicked after the show. Let us know what you think and happy Star Wars, people.