This week Rogue One A Star Wars Story came out!!!!! If you’ve seen it, watch out for a spoilercast special where we talk about it in spoilery detail. Josh talks about The Grand Tour, and the Movieguys hang out with Santa Claus. Josh is late joining us for the show, that will reflect poorly in his end of year performance review. There went that 30% Christmas bonus.
Santa Clause
Craig cleans up for Santa but forgot his ascot and tennis racket…. Long story. Corey does unspeakable things to old Saint Knick at Corey’s sister’s party. Apparently she’s personal friends with the guy. Speaking of Guy, he was invited to the party leaving half of the Movieguys out in the cold. That’s okay, they didn’t take it personal like some people do (Guy). Anyway, Guy asks for a wife as a Christmas present and things they out of hand fast. Somehow the topic of Guy’s sinus problems come up, this leads to Josh getting diet coke and mentos put up his nose.
Documentaries and Why Guy Hates Them
Craig watched Son of Rambow this week and it is “not a movie” and “gay-ass stupid” -Guy King (who didn’t watch the movie). According to Craig, “it was a really good movie” and gets two thumbs up. Then Guy has the nerve to want to watch it now.
Guy hates on documentaries and calls everyone an asshat. Josh watched “The Love of Spock” and talks about it, but nobody listens. Guy checks his fantasy football scores. He doesn’t think I can see it but I can. Corey watched “The Sea of Trees” with his lady friend. It’s about people killing themselves in Japan. He liked it. Guy interrupted him. Then went on an unrelated story about a Colorado rainforest and parasailing. This leads Craig and Josh into a discussion about the micronation The Republic of Molossia and Corey’s Iron Penis.
The Grand Tour
The Grand Tour on Amazon Prime is an awesome show that you should definitely watch. Josh mentions however that viewers in India only got a 30 minute censored version because a host made a car out of cows. Interesting. Also on the next show, the same host shows how to smuggle a person across the border. For some reason this made people, not Indian’s however, quite upset. We can’t figure out why. Then Craig lectures us on tv piracy. Yay. He makes some good points though, I think, I stopped listening halfway through.
Star Wars!!!!!! A Spoiler Free Rogue One Review

Princess Josh
So it’s time for a spoiler free Star Wars review. To start off, when they roll up to the theater, Craig and the Intern behold a Josh Princess Leia. Unfortunately, Josh was the only person in the theater that dressed up. He had a good time with, I think he liked getting hit on so much. So the movie, it was good. They liked it. Josh liked it a lot. Craig liked it better than the Force Awakens. Guy liked it better than life. Once you go and see it, and you better go and see it, go and click on over to the spoilercast to see what the Movieguys really have to say about it. It gets two thumbs up from everyone but Corey who doesn’t care enough to rate it. Please direct all hate mail to Corey.
So the Movieguys poll came back about whether or not Guy King stays on the show. Only one person voted. Craig. Guy got a soft stay, but after there will be some cuts at the end of the year so he better bring it next week.