This week, Guy is back, for now… We will see if he is back next week. The Movie Guys go over politics for the first time ever, watch a short film (The Gunfighter), talk about some movies, including Westworld (1973), and some movie trailers including all of them. This is a movie podcast after all. So sit back, open your ears, and enjoy the show.
Movieguys Politics

Death Star Trump #DumpStarWars
Before the show, the guys watch an awesome short film called The Gunfighter. Then discussed the definition of a short film. Craig then starts about talking about Star Wars Rogue One anti trump redirect. No one believes him but he insists that they went back and re-shot Rogue One to call Trump a racist. Now this upsets Guy because of how he hates it when people call other people racist.
White Rabbit Project
So last week Craig got Directv now on the air. He seems to like it but he has some complaints that nobody listened to or cares about. Speaking of streaming, the White Rabbit Project premiered on Netflix and Craig and Josh watched it. It wasn’t what they were expecting because they were expecting Mythbusters and it wasn’t, but they did enjoy it. Craig more than Josh, but who cares about Josh? Alos on Netflix, Spectral.
Westworld and Movie Trailers
The guys discuss the Westworld movie and the Westworld tv show, but can’t decide which is better because no one has seen them both. Josh gets an idea. And people try to convince Craig to get HBO Go and make Guy pay double for it. They talk about Private Parts, it’s a movie. And Josh reviews Spectra, which was good. Corey talks about the new Jason Bourne movie which was also good. It had a lot of shaky cam stuff so it could have been better. Guy yells about The Mummy trailer. And the new Planet of the Apes trailer. And the Baywatch trailer. A lot of yelling.