Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is the sequel to the 2015 box office success Jurassic World. The film carries on straight after the events of the first movie, the dinosaurs this time round are on the verge of extinction as the island’s dormant volcano is about to erupt, raptor wrangler, Owen [Chris Pratt] and Clair [Bryce Dallas Howard] attempt to mount a campaign to rescue the remaining dinosaurs from this extinction-level event.
Jurassic Worl Fallen Kingdom: The good
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom takes the franchise in a completely new direction, thanks to director J.A. Bayona [“The Orphanage”], it starts off giving you everything you expect a Jurassic movie should be and then spins it on its head. Its thrilling, with an opening up there to rival the original Jurassic park’s iconic rippling water scene. it has more dinosaurs in this movie than the other Jurassic movies and an mid-point action sequence that’s sure to become an iconic moment in the future.
Chris Pratt returns as raptor whisperer, Owen Grady, who in this movie is a more rounded off character than rather just being the stereotypical action hero in the last movie. Chris Pratt brings his likable and signature combo of action hero swagger and comedy and proves again why he is one of the best action stars in Hollywood.
Bryce Dallas Howard also returns as Clair Dearing, the previous facilities manager of the destroyed Jurassic World theme park, and who now is in charge of a Dinosaur Protection Group to save the animals from extinction. The movies best scenes is the chemistry between Clair and Owen and are similar to Indiana Jones or a Romancing the Stone.
Other supporting cast members, include, Rafe Spall as Eli Mills, who funds the campaign to rescue the dinosaurs, Toby Jones in a brief role as as associate to Eli who helps with the funding of the expedition.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is certainly the game changer of the franchise that widens an audience expectation and imagination of what a Jurassic Park movie could be, it boasts some thrilling set pieces and this time round using a combo of practical effects and real dinosaur animations as well as resulting to CGI is some sequences, which should thrill audiences who thought practical effects were in short supply in the previous movie.
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom: The bad:
For fans who were awaiting eagerly for Jeff Goldblum’s return in his iconic role as Dr Ian Malcolm are gong to be extremely disappointed, he is only a cameo in a few brief scenes.
Overall, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a thrilling addition to te franchise that boasts impressive set pieces,tons of action and dinosaur mayhem that you come to expect from a big summer tent pole, but it takes the tone and the franchise in a new direction without losing its sense of wonder and imagination and why we fell in love with Jurassic Park in the first place. See it with a big crowd on the biggest screen you can find.