Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is the sequel to the 2015 box office success Jurassic World. The film carries on straight after the events of the first movie, the dinosaurs this time round are on the verge of extinction as the island’s dormant volcano is about to erupt, raptor wrangler, Owen [Chris Pratt] and Clair [Bryce…
Super Bowl Movie Trailers 2018
It’s that time of year again. No, not that. Not that either. That’s right, it’s time for me to watch the one football game I will watch all year! Not because I care about the game, but this is arguably the biggest day for movie trailers outside of SDCC (San Diego Comic-Con). For me, it…
Jurassic World and Guy goes bonkers – Intermission 76
This week we dig into Jurassic World which we watched at Silver Screen VII. We try and keep things spoiler free, but we’ll warn you before we get too deep into spoiler territory. Also this week, Guy loses his marbles. Listen now to find out what pushes him over the edge. Subscribe: iTunes | RSS |…
Jurassic World Film Review
Chris Pratt – Jurassic World Jurassic World is the newest addition to the much loved dinosaur franchise and is produced by Steven Spielberg and directed by newcomer Colin Trevorrow. The film takes place 22 years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar and now features a full functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World as…
Ep 26: Nebraska, Godzilla 2014, and Zombeavers Oscar Campaign
This week we revisit our discussion on Maximum Overdrive. Also this week we watch Jack Reacher, Nebraska, and some other stuff. Yeah, they’re older films, but let’s are honest, there isn’t much out in theaters right now. In local news, Josh tells a story about going down a giant slide on a sheet of wax…
Ep 23: Mountain Dew Jello, Zombeavers, and The Lego Movie
Hey there Intermission Podcast fans! We’re back to entertain you yet again, with Episode 23 of the Intermission Podcast. We start out this weeks episode with a special bonus segment. If you listened last week, you may recall a little idea we had about Mountain Dew Jello. Well, that is no longer just an idea,…