I hope everyone likes science, because this week on the Intermission Podcast we get sciency. Cosmos, I effing Love Science, and hover-boards, oh my! Also this week, we talk Human Centipede 3, loud movies, Non-Stop, and Knights of Badassdom. So sit back, grab a 2-liter of Mountain Dew, and get ready for this weeks Intermission Podcast!
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Warning: The Intermission Podcast contains language that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
This week on the Intermission Podcast:
- Corey reviews Non-Stop, and Knights of Badassdom. That’s right, Knights of Badassdom.
BTTF Hover-boards by HUVr Tech
Was this viral marketing for a possible Back to the Future reboot?
Nope, just a CollegeHumor hoax
They even released a YouTube video featuring none other than Christopher Lloyd
Cosmos on Fox
Cosmos is a reboot of a 1980’s series that was originally hosted by Carl Sagan
In the reboot, renowned scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson is the host.
Seth McFarlane is an executive producer and ultimately was the one responsible for getting it back on the air. Sagan’s widow had the rights to the show, and it was McFarlane that was able to convince her to let it go to Fox.
Cosmos aired on 10 Fox channels and affiliates. Fox, National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo Mundo, Fox Life, FX, FXX, FXM, and even on Fox Sports 1 and 2. But not Fox news, surprise surprise.
President Barack Obama, introduced the series in a video message during its Sunday night debut.
I F-ing Love Science TV Show
The Science channel has officially green-lit a new series inspired by the hit Facebook Page, “I F-ing Love Science.“
- The series will be hosted by Craig Ferguson, who apparently effing loves science.
Will debut this fall on the Science Channel
Olympus Has Fallen emergency broadcast system fine
It turns out that using emergency warning tones in a TV commercial with images of the White House blowing up and the flashing words “THIS IS NOT A TEST” is frowned upon by the government.
The FCC is issuing fines to the sum of $1.9million to those stations that misused the emergency broadcast system tones.
Freedom of speech doesn’t apply when you are creating a false panic.
The offending trailer:
Connecticut to ban loud movies
So get this, some idiots in Connecticut has decided to try and ban loud movies. That’s right, any movie over 85dB will be considered illegal. Guy breaks 85dB every week here at MovieGuys HQ! Legally he won’t be allowed near a theater! To put things in perspective, street traffic is comparable to 85dB
“Hopefully this will be a wakeup call to the theater owners and the MPAA to get their act together and do something that’s good for the public and still will satisfy their needs,” said William Young, a Stamford resident and chemical industry consultant who has pushed the measure. “Why they need such loud sounds is beyond me.”