Recently I, the Movie Guys great and wonderful Intern, took a trip to the great white north (Cleveland) to see a very special performance to me. I went and saw my personal idol Adam Savage (Mythbusters,, @donttrythis) and his co-host Michael Stevens (Vsause on the Youtube and the Twitter) at Brain Candy Live! Think Blue Man Group meets a Ted talk hosted by two very funny people that absolutely love science. I mean, how could it not be awesome, right?!
Reading not your thing? Listen to the Intern review Brain Candy Live on episode 147 of the Intermission Podcast.
The Molecules We’re Made Of
“The Molecules We’re Made Of” That is what I think the first part should’ve been called. I don’t know what they called it if they even called it anything other than “the first part” but I like my title. That was what it was about anyway. They opened up with some interesting facts about fog machines, showing off Adam’s personal one, and explaining how they work. Not only how they work but how we see the fog. What’s the fog made of? What’s anything made of? Molecules, that’s what. They even got some kids up on stage to act like molecules, and they were very convincing if I do say so.
Some demonstrations were done, some water was boiled, some dances were danced, and some jokes were made. A very good opening hour, but not quite as good as the second one…
Brain Candy Live Intermission
You wouldn’t think of an intermission being too interesting, would you? We do seem to like them here at Movie Guys, though, and I guess Adam and Michael do as well. During intermission, they ask the audience to tweet them some questions and they would answer them! And they did! They even answered mine! I do admit it was a little sciencey, but they ask for it. I just thought that that was a cool thing to do. It really makes every show unique. Good job guys.
The Pressure of Air
I don’t know, maybe I could have come up with a better title for the second half. Not as catchy as the first title I do admit, it was all about air, though. And do you know how much pressure that air puts down on you? I do. Because I saw Brain Candy Live. Haha. I guess you could google it but that’s not near as fun. Now is when the demonstrations got really cool. There’s a lot you can do with air. And ping pong balls. Adam also worked a juggling act in there somewhere. He is an actual juggler as it turns out. After many laughs and hundreds of ping pong balls later, they ended in a song! Played, by Mr. Savage, on a ukulele (you wouldn’t believe how long it took me to spell that close enough so autocorrect would know what I was trying to say).
It was a really cool show, certainly worth a four-hour drive one way. And if one came around again, I would go see it again. Maybe a closer drive, though… Shows are still playing, check for one in a city near you, or not near you like I did. It is well worth it.