Beauty and the Beast 2017 is a live action re-telling of the Disney animated 1992 classic starring Emma Watson in the lead role as Belle and an all-star cast and features the classic tale of a young prince, imprisoned in the form of a beast, who can be freed only by true love. What may be his only opportunity arrives when he meets Belle, the only human girl to ever visit the castle since it was enchanted.
Listen to the Movie Guys review Beauty and the Beast 2017 on episode 150 of the Intermission Podcast
Beauty and the Beast 2017: The Good
Beauty and the Beast features an all-star cast with practical sets and production values that look a million dollars and classic songs from the animated movie that you will find still humming to yourself a couple of days after seeing it.
Emma Watson is perfectly cast as Belle is another great stepping stone from the “Harry Potter” franchise, from 2013’s “The Bling Ring”, to “This is the End” and to the coming of age comedy-drama “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, Emma Watson shows she can do comedy as well as serious movies and now she can show off her vocal talents too. There’s no-one better-suited t the role, she completely nails it.
Dan Stevens continues tp show why he is Hollywood’s hottest new talent, since departing in “Downton Abbey” and starring in 2014’s “The Guest”. He is magical as the prince/beast and is a perfect resemblance to the prince in the animated movie, you almost have to look twice.
Another role that is nailed is Luke Evans as “Gaston” who threatens to nearly steal the show as he crueler than the character portrayed in animated movie. He is born to play the role as it suits him vocally and comedy wise.
Josh Gad stars as Gaston’s friend and right-hand man LeFou who is the film’s comedy relief.
Kevin Kline is also well cast as Belle’s father “Maurice” as well as a host of all-star supporting roles such as Ian McKellen as “Cogsworth”, Ewan McGregor as “Lumiere” and Emma Thompson as “Mrs. Potts”
Beauty and the Beast 2017: The bad
There is not much to criticize with this almost perfect Disney movie, but it’s just a shame it wasn’t released in time for Christmas as it totally nails it with the white castle, loveable characters and heartwarming songs that would sure to have been the perfect family Christmas movie.
Also, it’s worth pointing out this is slightly darker than the animated movie which might be scarier for smaller children.
Overall, “Beauty and the Beast” is a magical movie experience with excellent two lead performances from Emma Watson and Dan Stevens and an all-star cast which make this the must see family film of the spring, not to be missed.