We are still coming down from our N64 episode and start off this week with a discussion about the hardest games we’ve ever played. Surprisingly, we all agree on Lion King for Sega Genesis. Also this week, what happened to Nicholas Cage? The Wicker Man, blame The Wicker Man.
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On this week’s Intermission Podcast
John Wick
John Wick was so awesome, it’s worth a purchase. A sequel is green lit! How awesome is that!? Corey and Craig can’t wait for John Wick 2. What really sets John Wick apart is the depth of the film. It really shows the culture of John Wick’s world, and sucks you in. Just the way the character is built, he is the baddest of the bad. So very awesome.
A Walk Amongst the Tombstones
Guy says it’s decent. That means it’s probably not that great. And all of this talk comparing it to Taken really turns Craig off.
Into the Storm
Another movie that Guy claims to like but is immediately discredited when he compares it to 2012.
Meh. It had some good eye candy, but at the end of the day it just didn’t make sense. It may have even made Corey dumber. The cool special effects just weren’t enough to save it.
Jupiter Ascending
Another movie that is just OK. Is this the week of the just OK movies? Josh says it reminds him of Riddick, and had a 5th element feel, but was still just OK. That’s really disappointing too, because it had such great potential.
The Neighbors 2
How do they make a sequel to Neighbors? Yeah, little James Franco and whats his face are hilarious, but is it enough to justify a sequel?
Unfinished Business Trailer
Poltergeist Trailer
Battlebots are returning to ABC! Finally, some exciting TV news. For those of you that don’t know, Battlebots originally aired on Comedy Central. It featured fighting robot awesomeness.