This week on the Intermission Podcast, the movie guys recap the habanero pepper challenge to start us off. Then Craig accuses Guy of cheating in the Crystal Pepsi Challenge, again. Poor Guy just can’t catch a break. Also, before the show, some of the movie guys watched Kubo and the Two Strings. These select movie guys invited the other movie guys to go, something the latter movie guys recently failed to do…. This podcast has a lot of yelling.
Since Josh was absent last week, Guy gets to recap episode 126 for him. It pretty much him just saying how miserable the others looked eating the red habanero peppers. Then Craig brings up how he is now convinced that Guy cheated at the Crystal Pepsi Challenge just because Guy got really defensive about it last week. Guy is now getting a lawyer.
Kubo and the Two Strings
Before today’s episode, Craig, Josh, and the Intern went to the Silver Screens VII to see Kubo and the Two Strings. Josh said that the Kubo felt too long, Craig agrees, but what does he know? Craig thought that they should just CGI the whole thing, which made everyone else yell at him. It also didn’t take as long to make as everyone thought. Then the message and theme behind the film were discussed (really deep stuff for the movie guys) and how it was not a kids movie. In fact, it is agreed that it could even give the kiddo’s nightmares and such. Craig gives zero thumbs because he was bored, though he really loved the stop motion. Josh gives no thumbs as well, for the same-ish reasons. He does want to see a documentary of how it is made though, and not actually watch the movie. The Intern gave it a one thumb up because he liked the story and the stop motion. Then the guys get into a discussion about the movie that Guy and Corey really don’t understand.
Don’t Breath
Corey and Guy went to the Silver Screens VII to watch Don’t Breath and didn’t invite anyone else. They really loved it but couldn’t talk about it because everyone is afraid that they’ll spoil it. Corey did scream like a little girl though. Guy gives it one thumb up, and won’t let Corey give it two. But he does anyway. Then there is another argument over the thumb system. The rest of the guys would have liked to have rated it but since they weren’t invited…
Craig watched The Big Short and Guy takes over the conversation. Craig liked it even though no one else did, but he isn’t sure about the “based on a true story” thing. “They’re not really real people!”-Not a Direct Quote from Anyone He thinks that more people are taking the movie as truth and fact and not all “hollywooded” up. Then Guy yells a lot. The Titanic is brought up. Things get ugly.
Battlebots Fantasy League Results!
BATTLEBOTS! Stupid Craig didn’t watch it so we couldn’t spoil it, but the scores are as follows: Guy the King, 31; Craig the Stupid, 29; Josh the Brave, 27; and Corey the Loser, 22. Next week is the finale, which is probably already happened by the time you’re listening. It’s anyone’s game, except Corey’s, he’s out. It was assuredly an awesome episode though, !@#$%^&* beat *&^%$#@! and $#@!@#$% ^& *&^%$%^&^ %$#@. Sorry, spoilers.
Pizza, again…
Then the guys talk about pizza again, they really need to get the Pizza and a Movie podcast up and running. Then Guy tells a story: Guy ventured into a casino in Cincinnati for a bachelor party. The hotel looked a lot nicer on the internet than in person, but no matter, because they were the only ones there and they couldn’t even jump off the roof. There were weird people everywhere, so if you live in Cincinnati and wear white pants, the movie guys are sorry. They wanted pizza and can’t get it delivered so they walk. People are lined up at 3 a.m to get pizza, so they went to the next place over and Guy ate a cookie. Later at the casino, Guy wins some money and loses some more. Finally, Guy watches a drug dealer play human frogger. One exciting trip.