This week on the Intermission Podcast, words are said, things are discussed, and conversations are had. Josh went to see Pete’s Dragon and get’s made fun of. Guy watches a movie he can’t pronounce. And Craig gets told how to feel. If he could get his feeling’s right in the first place he wouldn’t have these kinds of problems, Stupid Craig!
Mythbusters and Bill Nye is Coming to Netflix

Bill Nye and Mythbusters getting their own Netflix Shows
Netflix has had a lot of things to say this week. Bill Nye is getting a talk show. Yay!!! Craig and Josh are excited about science. Guy is excited for the theme song. Also coming to Netflix is The White Rabbit Project where the b-cast of Mythbusters making another show together. Craig and Josh are also excited for this, while Guy wants a magic school bus show again. This leads into a discussion about streaming services which confuses Guy, apparently Magic School Bus never did a “internet streaming” episode.
Pete’s Dragon

Pete’s Dragon
The movie guys start off this week with a conversation about Guy’s ungratefulness. Josh steps up and delivers though. Then Craig tells about some 40 children that all ate Ghost Peppers and had to be carted off to the hospital. Craig’s pretty sure that they were influenced by the recent podcast. The Movie Guys have had this experience before… Josh watched Pete’s Dragon and he thought it was just okay. This confuses Corey and Guy for some reason.While watching the movie, some bastard’s phone went off, and after silencing it, Josh was very embarrassed. All and all, it gets one thumb down for something and one thumb up for a hot redhead.
The Jungle Book
Craig watches The Jungle Book which makes Corey happy. Craig didn’t love it, but he really really liked it. Then Corey tells him that he did in fact love it. Craig then watched Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse and liked it as good as Zombieland. This leads to a bit of an argument, and for the record Craig was wrong.
Eddie the Eagle
Guy watched some movies: Criminal, or as Guy says it: Cinimal. This somehow turns into a conspiracy theorists discussion. Guy also watched Eddie the Eagle and explains it thoroughly. He also spoils it and makes Corey mad. And why don’t those ski jumping guys do flips or something in the air? They just jump, and gravity does most of that. The Movie Guys are now entering the olympic games ski jumping division to show them it can fun and entertaining, like the podcast. Hopefully Guy doesn’t get confused and forget to land or something. Josh should be ready with the camera just in case.
BattleBots Championship
BattleBots championship happened this week! Everyone, but Corey, watched it together, stupid Corey. It was awesome. Corey’s bot screwed over Guy’s fantasy league even though Corey had no chance of winning; someone should have told the bot that. Corey now gets “the thorn in my side” award. There was some really good fights, blood was spilled, people cried. The robot fighting was pretty good too. Then Craig, as usual, analyses the crap out of it. The fantasy team did come down to the wire, but Carig pulled a win out of his ass. Guy is still brooding, that’s how handsome men pout.
I Don’t Even Know How to Caption This One
A new food group is currently in the works. A Chef Boyardee Pizza! It’s pizza, ravioli, spaghettios, pizza rolls, and cheese. It’s going to be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lots of exclamation points this episode) It’s impossible to say how it will turn out, but Craig is nothing but confident. Guy is skeptical, and is definitely not going to even try it even though it is all of his favorite foods put together. So close minded, that one.
Well hopefully you enjoyed listening. If you didn’t don’t worry, we don’t care. Watch to see how the bro-sanga turns out and for a “Best Of” episode coming out soon. Follow Movie Guys on Facebook or Twitter or something, and thanks for the listen!!!!!!!!