Milk is the true story of Harvey Milk’s crusade for gay rights, and his rise to becoming the first openly gay politician in California history. Now being an openly straight guy, I have to tell you that the love scenes in this film are graphic and somewhat awkward to watch. (Warning), if this sort of acting bothers you, you should avoid this film.
Charlie Bartlett – DVD Re-View
Charlie Barlett (Yelchin), is rich kid in search of his purpose in life. He’s 17 but mentally 35, and just wants to be popular. Having just been kicked out of private school for making his friends fake ID’s, his last chance to graduate is Western Summit High, (public school). He quickly meets Susan Gardner (Dennings) and decides to audition for the drama club. Unfortunately having been sheltered from hazards of public school he also quickly meets the school bully, and gets his ass kicked. His neurotic heavily medicated mother (Davis), quickly sends him to the doctor, the family psychiatrist that is.
Watchmen case settled out of court?
Warner Brothers and 20th Century Fox agreed today on a tentative deal that insures the Watchmen film will be released on schedule, March 6th 2009. Both studios have been involved in deep meetings for the last few months and today the two congloms agreed to settle out of court. They will both go before Judge…
Ricardo Montalban, passes at 88
Ricardo Montalban, a legend to Star Trek fans worldwide died Wednesday morning January 14th, at his home in Los Angeles, California. He was 88 years old… We all loved him as Khan, in the classic Star Trek Original Series episode, ” Space Seed” as well as Mr Roarke, in the campy tv show…
The Wrestler – Review
Darren Aronofsky, takes us into the brutally realistic world of pro-wrestling with breathtaking visuals, and heavy emotion.
Mickey Rourke is RANDY “THE RAM” ROBINSON, a famous Professional Wrestling star from the 80’s. The film’s opening is a brilliantly rendered collage of Pro-Event billboard posters covering the time span of his glorious wrestling career.
I Trust You to Kill Me – DVD Re-View
“You have to go through something to find out why you did it.” Kiefer Sutherland…
A compelling film with compelling music! Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Bauer of 24 takes on the challenges of managing and promoting the rock band, ” Rocco Deluca, & the Burden.” Can he do it without Chloe O’Brian?
Here comes 3-D – The war rages on!
PROJECTED NUMBER OF 3-D MOVIE THEATERS, (END OF 2008) WORLDWIDE: 3000 US: 2000 THE 3-D AGENDA continues to gain new ground as more and more theaters are adapting their cameras and screens into 3-D compliant venues. I recently found out that one of my favorite films of 2008, Speed Racer was almost made as a…
Bryan Loves You – DVD Review
Bryan Loves You is a direct to DVD, psychological horror film that’s shot documentary style. The film contains lost footage from a series of tapes presumably recorded in the 1990’s. The tapes are being compiled together for government (freedom of information act) archives.
The Spirit – Review
Sin City meets Batman (the campy 60′S TV series.) There’s even a reference to Robins ass in the film. First off let me tell ya that The Spirit doesn’t suck, as a matter of fact its pretty entertaining! A campy over the top (superhero origin film) that takes…
Wristcutters, a Love Story – DVD Re-view
An interesting love story twist on the afterlife of suicide victims. Zia (Patrick Fugit), is distraut by breaking up with his girlfriend Desiree (Leslie Bibb), so naturally he decides to kill himself and leave her guilt ridden.
Zia’s, suicide happens within the timeframe of the opening credits, so we jump right into the trippy purgatory afterlife real fast. He ends up in what’s basically an alternate version of life in a lackluster reality where people don’t smile, and flat beer is for breakfast.
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