This week on the Intermission Podcast, the Movie Guys discuss Pirates of the Caribbean, Wonder Woman, and The Mummy. Josh also brings a drink that kills everyone in the podcast room, so you should enjoy that.
The Russian Drink of Death and Such
We started off this week by drinking some Russian drink that no one can read. It smelled and tasted like liquid Vegemite. If you recall from an earlier episode, vegemite is what the devil feeds to people he hates. Then to get that taste out of our mouths, we eat some Argentinian dog food that tastes like sugar. It was certainly better than it looked. Then Corey breaks the closet…
Movie Guys Giveaway!
We are going to be giving some stuff away here soon: a retrostage N64 blaster and programmer, also some google cardboard viewers, like a bunch. Watch out on the facebooks and twitters for info on how to win and stuff. Craig and Josh have been testing out the N64 thingy by playing some Indiana Jones games. They burned literature, got poisoned, and generally were not good at things.
Guy picked up an extra most bestest pizza from Little Caesars and they burnt it. He took it back and exchanged it but it wasn’t any better. He tried a different pizza shop and he got a good one. Worth the extra buck. Oh, and Guy is dumb (I had to put that in there). Then we discuss the murder of the man that invented pineapple on pizza. We are pro-murder in this case. Also, we are going to attempt some pizza challenge thing, and are going to crush it. Guy even gives the place a call just to taunt them, but gets put on hold for a couple hours. He eventually gets through though and gives them an earful!
Pirates of the Caribbean and Wonder Woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We watched Pirates of the Caribbean this week, and it was pretty good. It was a fun movie and didn’t get too complicated like some of the others. We also watched Wonder Woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the most awesomenest of the DC movies so far and anyone that says different is a !@%#$@^!*#^$#^$*# @#^#$*@)!_$*%& #%@$!$!%&# (GUY!!!!!!!!!). Josh points out that the male protagonist was the true hero in the movie, not Wonder Woman herself. The Intern thought it felt more like Captain America than the other DC movies.
The Mummy
We also went and partaken in The Mummy. It was better then we all had thought it was going to be, it was almost good. Seriously, we all seemed to enjoy it even though it had its problems. Corey didn’t like the humor in it, but he is an idiot so who cares what he thinks? Josh and the Intern liked the funny part, but didn’t like how Tom Cruise and the blonde chick really don’t click at all but somehow fall in love. We all did agree that the new logo is awesome. The trailer for American Made with Cruise looked awesome though! This leads us to the subject of Top Gun 2 and there was a lot of yelling. A lot.