The first trailer for Tron Legacy has been released and it looks, for want of a better adjective, stunning. This is just as well, given the impression the original Tron left in the minds of an entire generation. So much so that it matters not that the first film looks as dated as a Christmas jumper on January 1st.
The trailer does not give too much away as far as plot goes, aside from showing Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) on the hunt for his father Kevin (the Oscar-winning Dude Jeff Bridges), who has been inside the ENCOM system for 25 years.
However, fans (including myself) are more interested in seeing the visuals for now. And they look fantastic. Nearly three decades and a heck of a lot of technology have passed since the original was released, but this early indication suggests that Tron Legacy has managed to both create the world which looks like it has burned through a Michael Bay-sized budget as well as retaining the style and feel of the first film.
What are your takes on the trailer?
Tron Legacy
Release Date: 17th December 2010
Director: Joseph Kosinski
Cast: Jeff Bridges; Garrett Hedlund; Michael Sheen; Olivia Wilde; John Hurt