I just watched this movie and it did not impress me. The story took way too long to develop and the plot could have used a little something, but I’m not exactly sure what it was missing. On the bright side, the acting was fairly good but I guess it could have used a little work also. It didn’t keep my attention very long because I went and got some fast food about half way into it. So there you have it, I would not recommend this movie to guys at all, I mean I can stand a chick flick but this one was bearable at most. If you are a female, you will probably enjoy it though, because its got all that mushy life lesson stuff in it. Even though I was not impressed with this movie, it did have a couple of funny parts. I’m not sure if they were meant to be funny or not, Anyway!!!
Bearacid gives this movie:
[rating: 1.32/5]