This week on the Intermission Podcast, robots, robots, and also, did we mention robots? But first, Craig and Josh get into the spirit of Independence Day by doing the most American thing they could think of: eating greasy, artery clogging, heart attack inducing, this is going straight to my hips fast food. More specifically, The Most American Thickburger from Hardee’s!
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Most American Burger from Hardees
Then we get to the heart of the podcast. It’s time to recap how everyone did in the first annual Intermission Podcast Battlebots Fantasy League. Craig even made a sweet ass trophy!

Fantasy Battlebots Trophy
We continue the robot discussion with a lively chat about the latest Terminator movie, including a play by play of Craig and Josh’s experience at the theater. The takeaway here? Learn some movie ethakit people. Oh yeah, and if you haven’t watched Terminator Genisys yet, we dive into spoiler territory. That doesn’t come till the end of the show though, and we’ll give you a warning, so calm your tits. Oh hey, a trailer
After almost two years of podcasting we finally come up with the perfect rating system! It’s literally been poking us in the eye this whole time! I don’t want to spoil it, so I’ll just say it involves Guy’s erect nipples, and pop tabs.

Pop-tab Rating System
Finally, Guy tells us about the London Has Fallen trailer he saw, and Josh still hasn’t seen Olympus Has Fallen. What a loser.
Next week, we talk about this: