Melissa McCarthy is back in yet another comedy, Tammy. Being a huge fan of Melissa McCarthy, I am really excited about Tammy. But like most people, I feel like it’s knock-off of her past work, Identity Thief.
Tammy Synopsis
Tammy, who was recently fired from a Toppy Jacks fast food restaurant, returns home only to find her husband enjoying a romantic meal with the neighbor. She quickly packs her necessities, and travels down three houses to her parent’s home. Upon denied use of her mom’s car to drive to Niagara Falls, she quickly resorts to an “ailing” grandmother, who also lives in the home…Only instead of traveling alone, Grandma Pearl wants in on the road trip. After realizing Grandma Pearl has the funds, they hit the road. Pearl soon proves to be quite the alcoholic despite her diabetes, and Tammy quickly turns into the “baby-sitter.” From finding love in a bar to robbing a Toppy Jack’s in order to bail Pearl out of jail,the quirky adventure will have you finding yourself riding along for the misadventures of Tammy.
From the synopsis, I can see the resemblance to Identity Thief, and practically every other character McCarthy has played. Normally I’d be the first one to complain about them ripping on her previous work, but in this case, I honestly don’t care. Why don’t I car? Because this is what McCarthy is good at! As long as they can keep it somewhat fresh, and keep me laughing, I say put her in the same role over and over.
Granted this isn’t every role Melissa McCarthy has ever played. She plays a much more sensible, level headed character in the CBS show Mike and Molly. It’s a much different role than what she normally takes on in her films. Personally I’m a fan of Mike and Molly but I prefer movie McCarthy to TV McCarthy.
So my next question is, what do you (the MovieGuys following) think about McCarthy’s role in Tammy? Is it too much of a rip off of her past work, or are you OK with the repetition? Sound off in the comments below!

Tammy – Melissa McCarthy