The Mummy is a entirely fresh take on the classic Universal monster movie that defies expectations by casting Tom Cruise in the lead role as Nick Morton a treasure hunter who unwittingly awakens an ancient princess from her crypt beneath the desert, who brings with her malevolence that has grown over millennia, and terrors that…
Jack Reacher Film Review
Jack Reacher, a new action thriller based on the highly successful series of books by British author Jim Grant, sees homicide investigator, Jack Reacher [Tom Cruise] involved deep in a case which involves a trained military sniper who shoots five victims. Jack Reacher is a first rate thriller which sees Cruise at the top of his…
DVD Re-View: Tropic Thunder
Starring: Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr, and Jack Black Run Time: 1hr 47 mins In the weeks leading up to the release of “Tropic Thunder,” the movie certainly garnered it’s fair share of negative attention. The film was criticized for the way it was promoting itself, a controversy surrounding a website that was based upon…
Days of Thunder
I’m not a big Tom Cruise fan but when I was younger this movie is what sparked my burning passion for racing. I would watch this movie every day after school when I was a kid. There for a while I could recite every line in the movie. The movie is about a driver, Cole…
Tom Cruise Plans to Assassinate Hitler!
That’s right, Tom is at it again, and this time he is after the notorious Adolf Hitler. According to Yahoo! news Tom Cruise is set to star in an upcoming thriller about an attempt to assassinate Hitler. Now, I am not gonna lie, I am not a big Tom Cruise fan, but I am excited…