Star Wars The Force Awakens
This week on a fantastic episode of the Intermission Podcast, it’s Ask Guy! Of course Guy doesn’t understand the premise, but Craig helped him through it. Guy gets asks many questions about the latest Star Wars film, though he failed to re-watch the movie. No matter, because The Greatest Fan in the World has prepared the best questions and Guy has the most ridiculous answers!
Who Are Rey’s Parents?
J.J. Abram’s stated in an interview that Rey’s parents were not in The Force Awakens at all. As Guy points out, parents, plural, means both of them. So even if one of Rey’s parental unit was in Episode VII, Abrams would still be right in saying that her parents were not. Craig tries to point out to him how stupid he sounds, but Guy just talks louder and ignores him. So who are Rey’s parents? Guy believes that she is a Skywalker because he loves repetition, and Craig believes that she is a Kenobi. It is decided though, that she cannot be a force baby, i.e. being born from midchlorians. It is also decided that she cannot be some reincarnation of Anakin. I know it’s ridiculous, but it is Disney after all…
Other Unanswered Questions
What is the Resistance resisting? With the fall of the Empire, the Resistance really didn’t need an entire army. It is possible that the First Order absorbed what was left of the Empire and the Resistance was needed in the outer rim to combat them. But since the Resistance should be the power in charge, they shouldn’t really be called the Resistance then. Maybe the Resistance filled the power void and the First Order is the good guys trying to overthrow them…but I digress. The short answer is: the Movieguys just don’t know (they really don’t know anything really).
Why is Luke in exile? Guy just thinks he got tired and wanted a vacation. Craig, on the other hand, thinks that he is a big cry baby that went to pout after his padawan killed all his other padawans. In fact, it was discussed how he probably used the younglings as human shields against Kylo’s crimson blade.
Who was the old man (or Jedi?) who gave Poe the map in the beginning of The Force Awakens? According to Guy he definitely wasn’t a Jedi, for reasons he never really made clear, and Corey didn’t even know who he was. It was decided though that catching a blaster bolt in midair was the badassiest thing a Jedi, Sith, or really anyone could possibly do. Way to go Kylo!
How did anybody find Luke’s lightsaber and Vader’s helmet? Guy’s answer: they found it, duh. This leads to a discussion of whether there is anything under Cloud City. Also, how does Mas know so much about Rey? She is obviously strong in the Force, though Guy points out that she is not a Jedi (apparently they don’t exist anymore or something). Finally, who plunges the space toilets? Guy believes that there is some sort of vacuum plunger. Makes sense…
The Force Awakens Cliffhangers
What happened to Mas after her fort was attacked. It was determined that she is alive through some crazy feat of circumstance or skill, and she will be in the next film. What happened to Captain Phasma? Same answer really, Guy doesn’t put much thought into answers. Craig or Josh, somebody that’s not Guy, did pose the inquiry of whether Phasma is really a female. Guy believes that she is, and they are stupid.
Will Finn survive to return in the next movie and what condition will he be in after his lightsaber duel with Kylo? Of course he’ll return and he’ll be fine, because Star Wars people can’t be in wheelchairs! What happened to Kylo Ren? Yeah, he’ll be fine too. Guy is a hopeless optimist…
What is in Store for the Future of Star Wars?
Now that Disney has rebooted the franchise, many of the Movieguys believe that they will suck the money out of it until it’s drier than a popcorn fart. Guy, not surprisingly, believes that after they the complete the trilogy and the anthology films, they will just take a ten-year long break to preserve the franchise’s “magic” if you will. I guess he’s not familiar with how money works.
As far as the next film is concerned, here are Craig’s predictions: Kylo trains somewhere dark, off screen probably, Rey trains in Scotland, Luke dies and disappears into the force to guide Rey, Lando is Finn’s dad, Poe gets frozen in carbonite, and so on…
Best Movies of 2019
Now that all that silly Ask Guy about Star Wars business is out of the way, on to the best movies of 2019!
Craig: Karate Kid 9
Josh: Star Wars Episode Nine
Guy: Justice League Part II
Corey: Beetlejuice II
Coming Soon
Nobody really knows, they are just winging it at this point…