Intermission Podcast Episode 81…….where to begin…….
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Ah yes! Battlebots! We’re winding down the season, and it’s not looking good for Craig or Corey, but mostly Craig. He’ll be finishing the season in/tied for last place, and Corey could actually pull off a 3rd place finish. Somehow our discussion of Battllebots gets Guy off on a story about the time he saw a halftime show at a Columbus Crew soccer game. As best I can tell, all the mascots were there. Like, ALL the mascots, and Grimace fell down.
Craig and Josh watched Sharknado 3. Guy’s voice got all high pitched (he was mad) because he didn’t get invited, even though he was at a concert. What the hell Guy?! You were at a concert! You wouldn’t have been able the watch Sharknado! Did you know Jared from subway was going to be in that movie? Yeah….well…..he’s not in it any-more. Something about diddling little kids or something. Allegedly.

Sharknado 3
After another discussion about Adam Sandler, and why everything he has done since Happy Gilmore has been terrible, we sort of bounce all over the place. Lets see, according to my blood stained notes, we talked about Walmart at Myrtle beach? I’m not sure about that one. I do remember that Josh and Corey saw Ant-Man. Then I have written down zombie backfire plan, Millenium Falcon pooper, Star Wars spoilers, and The Man From Uncle. You should totally watch the trailer for The Man From Uncle!
Wrapping things up for our random discussion we reminisce a bit about libraries (those things still exist?) and who remembers Science Court? Josh does, and you should to, you damned dirty apes!
For our planned portion that nobody seemed to remember was planned, we have a quick talk about some of our favorite movies from 1981. The movies mentioned are:
- Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Mad Max 2
- Escape From New York
- The Fox and the Hound
- Das Boot (brief mention)
- Chariots of Fire (Academy Award for Best Picture 1981)
Let’s see who remembers to jot down a couple moves from 1982 next week.