With James Bond #22 just around the corner, the studio has released a new clip. This new clip gives us a peak at a short and sweet conversation between Bond and M.
So far I look forward to the film, and I expect for it to be just as good as the other Bond’s. So far Daniel Craig is chaping up to be in my top 2 favorite Bond actors.
Q will always be missed by me, as he was my favorite character in the series, but I still feel that James Bond is a powerful series of films. I am still concerned though what will come next? Surely we haven’t seen the end of James Bond, but the Quantum of Solace being the last short story the films were based off of leaves me wondering. What I expect will happen is this;
Bond 22 will go out with a bang, an awesome film pulling out all the stops. Then after the immense success of the Quantum of Solace the studio will decide that it is time for another one. After going through a quick writing process based on what statistics they can gather they will produce a film. It is my prediction that the film will suck, and ruin the good name for Bond.
Of course after #23 bombs the producers will decide that maybe another film is in order to regain Bond’s good name. They will try a bit harder, but the damage is already done. Bond will then be put to rest for good….. Or 10 years or so when they try to cannibalize the film series and start again.
I really hope that the series ends here that way this scenario doesn’t happen, but I expect as long as it is making money, there will be Bond movies. Maybe they will be good, maybe they will be bad. Only time can tell.