Recently I was thinking about some of the disappointments and failed blockbusters we’ve seen in 2014, and I couldn’t help but land on 300: Rise Of An Empire as the worst of the bunch. Granted, it always looked like it would be terrible, and attempting 300 without Gerard Butler (not to mention the novelty of…
New Trek Trailer!
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen. The new trailer for JJ Abrams much anticipated remake/reboot of the iconic franchise. There certainly has been a lot of buzz about this movie lately, with all the pics being put out. Many people, myself included, were very upset with the apparent direction the movie was taking the Star…
Ladies and Gentlemen, the new NCC-1701… The Enterprise!
Wow. I don’t really have much to say on the subject except wow. Finally we have our first true look at JJ’s Enterprise. The photo was released by Entertainment Weekly. A new trailer is being shown before “Quantum of Solace.” I’ve found that when it comes to this take on the franchise, you either love…
New Quantum of Solace Clip
With James Bond #22 just around the corner, the studio has released a new clip. This new clip gives us a peak at a short and sweet conversation between Bond and M. So far I look forward to the film, and I expect for it to be just as good as the other Bond’s. So…