This week on the Intermission Podcast, the Movie Guys discuss video games, Beauty and the Beast, and Life. We also turn to the subject of beheadings. And re-headings, if that’s what you call it? Also, go over to the youtube and watch yourself an episode of Guy History, or History with Guy, whatever it ends up being called. You’ll see it. Enjoy.
Indiana Jones The Graphic Adventure
Craig and Josh played some Indiana Jones the Graphical Adventure and streamed it on twitch. Watch out for some more live streams, so you can watch them. You might also want to check it out on Youtube, I think they ended up there as well. You should have plenty of chances to watch them as they played for six hours and didn’t beat the level. So maybe you shouldn’t watch them.
Beauty and the Beast
The Movie Guys went and watched Beauty and the Beast this week. The Intern had never seen the cartoon before so it was a whole new experience for him. He said it was really good watching it for the first time. Craig then brings up an article that he read about the nostalgia of reboots in regards to Power Rangers. Of course, this sends Guy down the rabbit hole. Back to Beauty and the Beast, everyone enjoyed it. Josh did dislike, to say, the beast was a bit of a wimp. We did like Emma Watson though… And Ewan McGregor as Lumiere! It was a good watch, so get out there and watch it!
The guys then fight over the possibility of an Escape from New York remake and Craig’s stupid idea. I forget what it was, but it was stupid, it’s right there in the notes: “Craig’s stupid idea”.
Guy then tells us of a new movie he’s boycotting but forgot which movie it was… That’s so Guy.

The Movieguys also went and watched Life. The Intern said it was like Alien but better. Corey then punches him. But anyway, everyone loved it. The Intern loved it, Guy didn’t get it, and Corey spoiled it for Craig. It was very intense and suspenseful. Ryan Reynolds rocked it. Guy, out of nowhere, makes a racist comment. And Corey’s fiancee spotted a huge plot hole! Josh also picks apart some of the zero G stuff, but who cares about him. Then there’s an argument over acid spit. Way too long of an argument… But back to Life, it definitely gets the Movie Guys endorsement, whatever that’s worth.
Other Stuff
Craig complains about not being able to buy Rouge One when the advertisement told him to go get it. Turns out, you can just buy the digital copy. Craig wants the digital copy, but he wants it in a case or something. He never really explained himself well.
Somehow this leads us into a discussion about severed heads! Science is claiming that they are going to do a head transplant at the end of the year. Craig and Josh point out that it is really a body transplant as the healthy head is getting a healthy body and the other body and head are being thrown in the trash. We then formulate a betting on whether the man with the new body will live, be horribly mutilated, or, most likely, die. If you would like to take part in this bet, just email your choice to us along with your credit card number and don’t check your account for a couple months, and we’ll take care of the rest!
This week we started a new video segment called History with Guy! For the pilot, he explains the unabridged history of Viagra. And man was it interesting. Send us an idea for Guy History for us to use in future episodes because this series is going to go on for a while.