This week on the Intermission Podcast, the Movie Guys talk about Lego Batman, teach Guy about ethics, and discuss their hockey adventure. We also try some of the beverages from the Jungle Jim trip last week. It did not go well… Enjoy!
Jungle Jim’s Revisited
Remember last week we took a trip to Jungle Jim’s? Craig starts us off this week drinking some off brand red bull he got there, that was not carbonated! He then proceeds to spill it all over the place, including the computer, soundboard, and himself. Now everything is even more sticky than it was before we started the show, don’t ask… Speaking of carbonated beverages, though, we also try the tonic and seltzer water that the Intern and Josh got. And man was it great, great at making your taste buds die. Of suicide. It was possibly the worst thing that Josh has ever put in his mouth, ignoring that month he couldn’t pay his rent, but he would rather forget about that. But to the point: DO NOT DRINK TONIC WATER!!!!!!!!!!!
Lego Batman
The Movie Guys went and saw Lego Batman! Everything about it was awesome. It was possibly the best batman depiction we’ve ever seen. We also determined that it was slightly better than the original Lego Movie, but they really are two different movies entirely. The reason why I won’t spoil for you like GUY DID FOR COREY! Luckily senior editor Josh will take care of that for you. S, if you haven’t seen it yet, put on your cowl and get to the theater. On second thought, don’t wear a mask out in public, just to be safe.
Star Wars News
So on the last episode we discussed (argued) about whether The Last Jedi title was plural or singular. This week we discovered that The Intern was indeed right (and Guy was very very wrong) and it is plural. Then Corey comes up with some weird theory of how Rey is somehow Han Solo’s bloodline which pisses Guy off. The Intern then proposes a much better theory that pisses Guy off so much more: Obi-Wan and Padme’ had an affair so Luke and Leia are Kenobi’s! That’s why Anakin wanted to kill Obi-Wan so bad. It all makes so much sense now, that must have been the whole reason that Lucas gave us those prequels, well that and Jar Jar.
Movie Guys Road Trip!
This week the Movie Guys, minus Craig, went to see the good old hockey game. Corey drove us up to Columbus where he ran at least 7 red lights. So in one to two months, he will be receiving a bankrupting amount of fines. Good for him. Speaking of criminal activity, Guy and Corey attended a birthday party where they stole a countless number of quarters from a machine that Corey broke. At least Corey admits that he is a thief, Guy on the other hand try’s to justify it and make excuses for how he is definitely not a thief and stole nothing. This leads to an argument (which everything always does) about whether there was ever a Chuck E Cheese in Barboursville. He claims that it has always been a Billy Bob’s and was never a Chuck E Cheese. So if you know the answer call in and prove Guy wrong, but if he’s right do not call in and tell us, we will just ignore you.