Knowing, what a title. It doesn’t really doesn’t stand out to me like it would be a great movie. For me the first impression is the title, and like I said, it does not WOW me.
After watching the trailer though, I think that Knowing may be worth seeing.
- It stars one of my favorite actors, Nicolas Cage.
- The whole idea behind the movie is somewhat unique. It is not a complete original, but i really like the little bit of originality it has.
- It looks to have some descent action. Hopefully it is good action, and not shitty over the top action.
On the downside though, the film reminded me too much of film we have seen in the past, National Treasure. I love the National Treasure films, but to be honest, I don’t think that we need another one. I really hope that Cage will pull through and prove to me he is more than Benjamin Gate.
Knowing is set to release 24 July 2009.