Sadly this morning December 18th, 2008. Majel Barrett Roddenberry passed away in her home in Bel Air, California. She was surrounded by her son Eugene, along with family and close friends.
This came as a shock as just the other day I was thinking how great it is having her as the Starfleet computer voice in the new film.
Majel started out as “Number One” in the Star Trek pilot episode, The Menagerie. Afterward the NBC network kicked her off for being too feminine for a second in command. As Gene was a big fan of hers (lol), he had her dye her hair blond and cast her as Nurse Christine Chapel. She then became Nurse Chapel in the tv series and was later promoted to Commander Chapel during the Star Trek films. She, of course, was the Starfleet computer voice in the Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, and in the upcoming Star Trek 11 feature film. She’s also featured on several Star Trek series video games, as well as the CD Star Trek: Omnipedia. One of her most memorable roles was Lwaxana Troi, the sexually charged empathy and mother to Deanna Troi, in Star Trek The Next Generation. Majel was also instrumental after Gene’s death in bringing the shows Andromeda and Earth, Final Conflict to the small screen. I was and still am a huge fan of Earth, Final Conflict that shows kicked some ass!!
We will miss you Majel! My best wishes go to the Roddenberry family and I hope we can all celebrate her life, as we find comfort that she’s with Gene now somewhere out there in space.