Welcome to episode 167 of the Intermission Podcast, brought to you by movieguys.org. This week the Intern decided to murder his fellow Movie Guys and then himself, and Craig decides he wants his death to be long, slow, and painful. Oh so painful… I’m talking, of course about Hot Pepper Challenge Part Two: The Pepper Strikes Back!!!!!!!!!!!! On this episode, Craig eats a whole ghost reaper. We also talk about some silly boxing match, a movie about vans, and goats. Enjoy, we certainly didn’t.
Ghost Reaper Challenge!

Ghost Reaper
We start off the podcast in a very somber mood. We know what is about to come, and we are not looking forward to it. You see, our good and friendly Intern brought us peppers that he grew in his garden of hell. They were supposed to be Ghost peppers, the second hottest pepper in the world, but they crossed with Carolina Reapers, the hottest pepper in the world. We don’t know where they fall on the Scoville scale, but at a certain point, it doesn’t really matter. Just ask Craig.
What happened was that even though the Intern brought the peppers he said, “There’s no way in $*^&!@# @*! I’m eating one!” Corey also explicitly refused to partake, as well as Josh. No one even asked Guy. So Craig suggested cutting them up and only trying pieces of them, and the others agreed reluctantly. Craig however, not valuing his taste buds, stomach, or life apparently, decided to partake in an entire pepper. Watch the video, because the look on his face was priceless. We all felt the pain, but nothing like what Craig was experiencing. Everyone felt so sorry for him, and he wasn’t coherent enough to even notice. It must have been an excruciating ten minutes, and if it wasn’t for Josh’s 100% fat ice cream he probably wouldn’t have been able to finish the show.
Vannin’ on Amazon Prime Video
Now that the pain is kind of over, we move on to a recent sporting event. A sporting event that Guy King was very confident would end with his favorite fighter in the known world, Conner McGregor, standing on top of the unconscious body of Floyd Mayweather. So confident in fact, he bet Craig $20 that Conner would win. As you might have heard, or maybe not if you listen to this show, Conner did not. So maybe being $20 richer will cheer Craig up after the day he has had.
Before entering the depths of hell, Craig watched a movie entitled Vannin. It was as you would expect, a movie about vans and the people that love them. They get together for a big van festival every year and just party all weekend in their van. Their pimped out vans. Super pimped out vans. You can stream Vannin’ on Amazon Prime Video.
American Vandal
The Movie Guys had their first annual (I almost put “anal”, thank you spell check) sausage fest, 2017 last week. Many sausages and sausage-shaped foods were eaten by all! Guy did a funny thing though, for him. He ate expired ketchup!!! Like expired for a year ketchup. We are as shocked as you are. Anyway, after the sausage eating had commenced, we retired to the forum where Guy suggested we watch the long-anticipated Netflix series American Vandal. If you don’t remember, it is a show about a boy that was accused of drawing penises on cars but claims he is innocent despite his long history of drawing penises on other things. We got all excited that Guy said it had released, and upon pulling up Netflix were all less excited to find out that Guy was lying! Stupid Guy. All was well though because we ended up watching Gary The Goat’s youtube channel. We now know what we want to do with our lives.