Disaster Movie Poster
Ok, I am not really into the parody movies all that much anyway but come on, this is the worst one I have ever seen. I am sure that some people liked it but I can’t see too many enjoying themselves. I recognized all of the little skits and other parts from all of the different movies but I am a movie guy and I watch just about everything. I could see where a great deal of people wouldn’t like just because they wouldn’t know what parts came from what movies. I mean there are the obvious ones like Beowulf and Indiana Jones, that everyone would recognize but there are others like the part with High School Musical that only certain groups that watched that movie would “get”.
Maybe it is just me but I didn’t enjoy most of the movie. The part where the chipmunks started singing some heavy metal music was by far the best part. And there were some parts that were just utterly disgusting. And this is coming from a guy who is an avid horror fan. So, I am giving this movie the “Bear’s Worst Movie of the Year Award”. And hopefully this will be the last one since it sucked so very bad.
Bearacid gives this movie ten fingers and ten toes way the hell down.