Welcome to episode 107 of The Intermission Podcast. This week we played an April fools joke on Guy and Corey. We fired them! HAH! In their place this week we have our new friend and colleague, Andrew! Andrew is the host of the Idle Chatter Show which you can listen to right here on MovieGuys.org!
I’ll keep this short and just go over some of the highlights of the show. We started off before we actually started the show, so you can consider that bonus material. The bonus material is just an amalgamation of random talk. Not sure why Craig didn’t officially start the show sooner…….Craig. On the docket for today we have piracy. Movies, video games, music, how bad is it really? Are the big studios really hurting when Craig torrents Backdoor Bandits 1 through 45? Who knows.
Piracy was the only talking point we really had, but we did a good job of just winging it. Oh hey. Batman vs Superman finally came out the week we fired Corey and Guy, so I guess we’ll have to have a talk about those two superheros (Batman and Superman, not Guy and Corey) without our panel of experts. Heck, nobody on the show today has seen the movie yet. Oh well. Actually, we talk mostly about Superman.
We also talk about some of the stuff we watched this week. Josh convinced Craig to watch a documentary on Netflix called The Barkley Marathons. In return, Josh was supposed to watch 2 episodes of a terrible Australian show called Housos. He only watched one. It was awful.
Towards the end of the episode we go over some of our favorite movies from the year 2007:
- The Simpsons Movie
- Superbad
- Halloween
By the way, Corey and Guy……………you’re unfired……….I guess.