If you are an action/ horror fan this is a must-see. Aside from the overuse of the bouncing camera effects, this movie was awesome. The storyline was different from 28 Days Later so I was thoroughly impressed. It had the same flavor and key pieces but it was a good kind of different. The beginning was a little confusing when they showed people in a cottage get attacked by the infected and then they cut to when everything is contained. It eventually explains itself so don’t worry too much about it.
Special effects were awesome and the gore factor was very high. I think my favorite shot was when the guy took out a bunch of the infected with the helicopter blades. I don’t know what it is about the good guys killing monsters in very elaborate ways but it is very exciting to me. Ok, I don’t wanna spoil any more of it. I recommend this movie to everyone. Yeah, thats right I said everyone, some of you may get sick but hey, that’s the price you pay to see a great action/horror flick these days.