They’re coming to get you, nerds! The horrors that lurk in the darkness on the 16-bit consoles of yesteryear, that is. Who remembers the mighty Super Nintendo Entertainment System and its direct competitor, the Sega Genesis? This was the era of gaming that defined the guys’ childhoods here on Idle Chatter. From movie tie-in games, to original titles, the two big 16 bit home consoles were not short on their titles aimed to spook, scare, creep out, and induce chills.
This week friend of the show, Rob O’Hara, joins Andrew. Rob is a podcaster, author, and video game junkie who has a wealth of history with gaming to share on the show. You can check out more from Rob on his website.
We’d love to hear from listeners on this topic. What are some of your favorite horror-inspired games from your youth? We’d love to share your comments and additions on our next episode. Comment below or on social media.