WOW! I love post-apocalyptic, end of the world type stories. Maybe it’s a morbid fascination with destruction, but I just can’t get enough of them, no matter how bad the character development is, or how lame the story behind the destruction is. I love seeing massive amounts of destruction; the carnage is beautiful. Roland Emmerich has really out done himself in 2012, his latest directorial effort. In it, he attempts to bring thousands of years of fears to life on the big screen, as he depicts the end of the world. Starring Jon Cusack, 2012 is a movie that virtually guarantees a few “oh sh*t” moments. For anyone who has never heard of the film before, let me fill you in:
“Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. The film revolves a family who goes on vacation in December 2012, just as the Mayan calendar is coming to a close. Over the decades, many have prophesized that the world will end when the ancient calendar ceases on Dec. 21, 2012. 2012 promises to be an epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.”
There really are a lot of people who believe something catastrophic will happen on that date. Hundreds of thousands of people look to that date with fear and dread. The film is obviously an attempt to capitalize on that fear, and I have no doubt that people will go see this movie, compelled to do so by the same morbid fascination and fear that have haunted so many people for so many years. All that said: Wasn’t seeing all that stuff destroyed really cool??? Expect to see tons of glorious F/X at work. The film also boasts a high caliber lead actor in Jon Cusack, and a star studded secondary set of actors like Woody Harrelson, Danny Glover, Amanda Peete and Oliver Platt. Very rarely have I expected a disaster film to be good, but I expect this one to be good. I am looking forward to checking this out, whenever it finally hits theaters. What about you?
The film is currently slated for release on November 13th.