The Terminator franchise remains one of the most beloved and well respected science fiction franchises of all time. The tales of the future war begin now as McG’s Terminator Salvation hits theaters world wide. Is it possible that McG has made a movie that will satisfy the needs of fanboys and middle-America alike?
New trailer for McG’s Terminator Salvation!
I’ve been open about my disdain for McG’s new take on Terminator recently. I think he is stomping all over the canon. And it’s sad to me, because it doesn’t seem too hard to make a great movie based on the future war. So much of what McG had to do was already established for…
More viral marketing? Yes please!
Everyone and their mom knows that The Dark Knight was a smash hit. There are many reasons why, for sure. It was a well written film, it featured an iconic hero that everyone knows and loves, and it featured an iconic villain portrayed brilliantly by the late Heath Ledger. All fine reasons for the film being…
McG gives another Terminator Salvation “presentation”
Are you ready for the future war? Back in November of last year I reported on McG’s Terminator Salvation “presentation.” You can read all about it here. I call it that because I can think of no term that describes the event any better than that. In London, in front of numerous members of…
*Updated* Time for a T4 update
*Update* The official Sony Pictures site has just posted a rather cool “motion poster” for the upcoming Terminator film. Check it out here! Sorry 790, I had to do it. As much as you may despise this film, as much as I may agree with you on this, it is time. For as many T4…