Famed director Guy Ritchie will be bringing the world’s greatest detective back to the big screen later this year, with Robert Downey Jr playing Holmes himself. Now you can check out the very first trailer for Sherlock Holmes!
New pic of RDJ as the worlds greatest detective
Some of you may remember a little while back I wrote a piece about the impending release of two very different takes on the world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes. If you missed it, you can check it out here. While we have heard next to nothing from the Will Ferrell/Sascha Baron Coen comedy Holmes film…
How do you like your Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes, the world’s greatest detective, is about to hit the big screen in a big way. We get to see Holmes hit the screen twice in the next two years! Currently in varying stages of production are two very different takes on the iconic character created by Arthur Conan Doyle. One is set to…