I stumbled across a few new Inglourious Basterds posters today, well, they are at least new to me. They follow suit with the previous five posters that Jon posted a while back. This new round of posters however, has a witty little tag line with each character, my favorite of which being Brad Pitt’s. So…
What a bunch of Basterds!
As promised, albeit a little late, a complete poster gallery full of Basterds! We are up to 5 posterized Basterds, including Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Diane Kruger, Til Schweiger, and Melanie Laurent. Now that’s a lot of Basterds! The first 3 posters, featuring Pitt, Roth and Kruger, were already posted here but were included in…
Diane Kruger is a Basterd
Wow. She looks good in this one. I’m really starting to love the casting choices for this movie. I was skeptical at first, but the more I see, the better feeling I’m getting about this movie. I have a feeling this movie will be a hit. I just can’t wait for the Mike Myers is…
Brad Pitt is a Basterd
Not too much to say here. Included is a new character poster for Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds. It’s pretty cool, as far as character posters go. It doesn’t exactly make me any more excited to see this film, if that’s even possible, unless they turn this one poster into part 1 of a series of…