MacNugget goes through the drive thru for some diet fast food and recalls the mental and emotional downer of a good thing coming to an end. What folks don’t think about when planning something as monumental as the BTTF event explained in episode 7 of the show is the fact that what once occupied every spare ounce of your being comes to an abrupt end, leading to a feeling of strange emptiness.
These feelings all coming just before MacNugget and his family jetted off for their first trip to Walt Disney World. It’s a whirlwind of highs and lows. And lows because of highs. None of this makes any sense.
Lil’ MacNugget 2 -
Lil’ MacNugget 1 -
Mr and Mrs MacNugget -
Mister MacNugget and Goof
Grab a gummy hamburger and come along for the emotional roller coaster.