Welcome to episode 163 of the Intermission Podcast. This week on the Intermission Podcast, the Movie Guys talk about stuff, sharkweek and things! So yeah, in a way this is the Shark Week Podcast, with stuff and things… Guy calls in and yells a lot before hanging up on us, we hate on sharkweek, and love on How It’s Made!

Shark Week Podcast
Stuff and Things, So Many Things
Craig starts us off this week by drawing genitals with his voice. It doesn’t go as well as you might think… Then the Intern tries to screw everyone up by stealing Craig’s job. It also doesn’t go as well as you might think. Corey says ‘Hey!” a lot into the microphone for no apparent reason, and then we start the show!
Craig shares with us his salamander story, it doesn’t end well for the salamander. Then he tries to get Corey to add some zeroes. We didn’t watch any movies this week, so sorry to disappoint. Speaking of a disappointment, Corey said Guy King got mad over a dollar, so we call up Guy and ask him. He hung up on us! He will pay for this one. Somehow this leads to the topic of hat gallons. How many gallons can a ten-gallon hat hold? And subsequently how you measure salsa. And space miles. And how not to gamble. This was a wide ranging conversation.
After talking about Guy spending seven hours at fantasy football draft, we decide that we are going to start a cheerleader draft. This is going to require a lot of work. Not near as much work though as the fantasy porn star draft though…. Josh sold his body to get a free Roku because he doesn’t like Xbox controllers, meanwhile Craig got hacked and now has Starz and Showtime! Guy called back and found that Corey is no longer talking to him.
Shark Week Podcast
We found out that Guy was brutally disappointed that Michael Phelps wasn’t eaten by a shark even though Josh told him that they wouldn’t even be in the same ocean. Craig thinks that Phelps feels like a sellout now. Also, he looked stupid wearing a tale. Corey tells Josh about a ginger dude with dreadlocks that did get eaten by a shark, so that’s good. The only decent show that was on was about a ray, so that doesn’t even count! Then we take a look at the phrase “jumping the shark”. And then Sharknado. Speaking of Sharknado, how old is Terra Reid? More importantly, how old are her boobs? We never did figure it out.
Corey launches into a rave on how good How It’s Made is, he was even in an episode (or something). Craig saw a Maserati, and it wasn’t even broke down. The Intern saw a car from across the big lake, and Corey tailgated an Aston Martin. And Josh has seen a car before!
Speaking of cars, Craig rewatched Transporter (it has a car in it doesn’t it?). He says it doesn’t hold up, and Corey agrees. This leads to the topic of fire extinguishers and the types of which Craig has been sprayed with. Then, how much water does it take to put out a grease fire? Answer: a crap ton. Speaking of a crap ton (man I’m nailing these transitions) Craig talks about pooping in a public restroom. This brings up some interesting questions, so write in: Do you stand or sit? And do you crumple or fold? Or lobster claw because that’s how Craig does it.