It was widely reported not too long ago that Marvel was experiencing what could be considered some serious issues in relation to the future of their films, at least the ones currently slated through 2012. There was word that Marvel was attempting to lowball Samuel L. Jackson when trying to sign him to a long term contract to follow up his brief appearance as Nick Fury in Iron Man with future appearances as the character in just about every movie Marvel had planned for the foreseeable future. Jackson’s appearance was very brief, and he appeared only after the credits rolled, but he was essential to Marvel using the character in the future. The Ultimate version of the character was modeled after him, and that was the look they went with, so they couldn’t really rethink the character. They really needed Jackson.
In addition to that problem, there was word that Mickey Rourke was also getting a lowball offer for a shot to appear as an un-named villain in the upcoming sequel to Iron Man. As of right now, that situation could go either way, although Rourke and the film’s star Robert Downey Jr. seem to want to make it work. That was followed up by word that Marvel was getting sued for a staggering amount of money that could cripple their ability to make any of the films on the slate for the next 5 years. No new news to report on that front. But all this together could really signal that the ship was sinking, so to speak. But word has now broke that would seem to indicate that Marvel is “righting said ship.”
Samuel L. Jackson has apparently signed a nine picture deal to appear as Nick Fury in any and all Marvel films being planned at this moment. Nine picture deal? Wow. That’s a first for me. This deal would presumably set Fury up for appearances in: The First Avenger: Captain America, Thor, The Avengers and what would seem to even be a S.H.I.E.L.D movie? I’m not quite sure how well that last one would go, maybe they are just trying to come up with a creative name for a Nick Fury solo film. As a comic fan, I can tell you with 100% confidence that Nick Fury does in fact kick ass, and he could carry a film that would hopefully end up better than David Hasselhoff’s debacle. In addition to the aforementioned films, Fury is assumed to have scenes already lined up for the Iron Man sequel and any sequels to Captain America, Thor and The Avengers.
This is really good news in my book. Normally I wouldn’t be fundamentally opposed to having a character recast, but it just wouldn’t feel right in this case. Ultimate Fury was modeled after Jackson, who already appeared as the character in the massively successful Iron Man, so why not bring him back? Marvel would just look like money grubbers if they did not re-sign Jackson. I know that he is just about as played out as an actor can get, appearing in nearly every other film these days, but Sam Jackson is a fine actor and the perfect choice for the character. I couldn’t be happier to hear this!