Looking for Ohio Comic Con Cosplay? You’ve found it! We went, we saw, we conquered. Most people don’t associate Ohio with cosplay, but Ohio Comic Con never fails to impress. Cosplay at Ohio Comic Con was in full force this year, and your friendly neighborhood MovieGuys were there to document the action.
This year we didn’t have the pleasure of having a booth, but we still had a blast and met some awesome people. One of which was Sam Ellis. You know, Sam Ellis. The guy that did the character design for that show we love, Archer! Yeah that Sam Ellis! He was totally there. And he talked to us! Yeah, I’d be pretty jealous too if I were you.
Any ways, we didn’t get quite as many pictures as we did last year, but here are some of the highlights from our weekend at Wizard World’s Ohio Comic Con. If you see your picture, and want the original, contact us and we’ll send it to you.
While you are here, be sure to check out our highlights from last years show:
- The MovieGuys invade Ohio Comic Con – Intermission 56
- Comic Con 2014 Day 1 Pictures (Click here)
- Ohio Comic Con 2014 Day 2 Pictures (Click here)
- Ohio Comic Con 2014 Day 3 Pictures (Click here)
Brit Bliss and Kit Candela Cosplay
Ohio Comic Con Cosplay 2015:
Hero Strong strives to inspire hope, strength, and courage through superheroes. Helping Children, Families, and organizations in need of our assistance. While bringing a smile to kids faces with our heroes & heroines. Find them on Facebook or their Website.
- Jurassic Park Jeep
- Charles and the X-Men Cosplay
- Brit Bliss and Kit Candela Cosplay
- Wolverine and Mystique
- Wacky waving inflateble arm flailing tube man!
- Underworld Cosplay
- Avengers Assemble!
- I’m Batman!
- Star Wars Guy
- Silent Hill Executioner
- Rocket Racoon and Starlord
- Red Skull
- Rick form Rick and Morty!
- One of these cosplays is not like the other…
- Joker couples cosplay
- Joker and Harley Columbus Comic Con Cosplay
- Joker and Batman walk into a bar. No really…
- Deadpool Ohio Comic Con
- Ohio Comic Con
- Charles!
- Captain Jack Sparrow (AKA Aaron Rabe)
- Guy and surprised Corey
- Bobba Fett
- These two…
- This guy