Kick-Ass opened yesterday, and sadly I just haven’t had time to go and see it. I did however, have an opportunity to sit down, and read Mark Millar’s Kick-Ass: Creating the Comic, Making the Movie. Yeah, that’s right, I read a book.
Upon opening the front cover, and reading the first line in the book (which read “HOLY F*CK!”), I realized that this book was right up my alley. More pictures than words, and actually kept my attention from cover to cover. It isn’t often I can sit down with something and just read it strait though, but that is exactly what I did.
The book covered many aspects of Kick-Ass, but personally I really enjoyed a little insight on the comic. I am not much of a comic reader, so I had very little knowledge of Kick-Ass, all I knew about it was that the trailer looked awesome. The book discussed the characters from the comic, and how they had changed to adapt to the big screen, and the thought process involved in casting the film. To date my biggest gripe with the film, was the fact that Nicolas Cage was involved, however after reading the book, and understanding why it made perfect sense. Apparently Cage is a huge comic book nerd. I am still not convinced that he fits the role, but knowing more about his personal life helped me understand the decision.
I was a bit put off with the amount of space dedicated to costume design, but I suppose it could interest some people, and it really did a good job showing off the work of the costume designers.
The book was very visually pleasing, and every page was printed in full color on glossy paper. Very easy to look at. If you are a Kick-Ass fan, or just a Chloe Moretz fan, then I would recomend picking the book up and giving it a chance. If nothing else just pick up the book, and thumb through it to look at the pictures, read some quotes, and see some of the fantastic drawing.
Well worth the read.